Sunday, July 5, 2015

"You Joking.....Right?!"

Ruby loves her puzzles! I rotate when I use treats or dry food for the prizes. I use dry food to see if she likes it, especially if it might be a healthier alternative than a treat. As you may remember I am trying to switch her over to grain free food as much as possible. So if she likes it... a lot... then I buy it.

Clearly she does not like this type of dry food. I say this due to her expression and the fact that the puzzles had been solved but the prizes were still available. I am sure that after seeing the pictures, you agree with my belief. I felt guilty so I gave her an actual treat.

Good thing it was a sample bag!

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  1. I find this hilarious! She solved the puzzle but left the treats. I'm glad you rewarded her otherwise for her brilliance!

    1. I couldn't not give Ruby a treat. She has a guilt face like you wouldn't believe.

  2. Ruby sounds like a gourmet pup, just like our Buzz! He will certainly not eat just any food ;-)

    1. Ruby is definitely spoiled, as well as her siblings. :)

  3. What a brilliant way to determine what food she likes!

    1. It is particularly hard to find a grain free alternative for her because she personally, but definitely not her body, likes her grains.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes. She is definitely a one-of-a-kind pup. Not like I'm biased or anything. ;)

  5. Hi Y'all!

    From this, being the smart fellow that I am, I have deduced that she is a smart gal, but no retriever! A retriever never leaves food behind! If it's edible, we eat it.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Alas...Unfortunately she does retrieve some things; things that mommy does not agree with.
